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Create a Clearer Vision for Your Business

There is a famous quote by Lewis Carroll that says, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Having a vision and knowing where you want to go is one of the cornerstones of your business. By communicating what it is you want your business to look like, you will be able to focus your intentions and create a foundation for making decisions and evaluating opportunities. Having a compelling vision for your business also helps clients to understand what your business “really” is and how you can provide solutions to their needs.

To create a clearer vision for your business, consider these questions:

What are you doing and why are you doing it?

By exploring and writing down the answers to these questions, you will be able to ascertain what it is that you want to accomplish.

Once you have these two questions thoroughly examined, expand your query to the core questions of who, what, where, when and how. Put as much detail as you can into your answers and start to map out what the business will look like in your mind. When you sit down to do this exercise, choose a place where you can relax and really focus on being creative and open to new ideas.


Who is your perfect prospect? Who are your future business partners? Whom do you want to collaborate with? Who will be your mentor and coach? Who is your ideal client? Who will be your referral sources? Who will respect and value your time and expertise?


What will success in your business look like? What are the 5-and -0-years goals for the business? What are your strengths that you are using every day at work? What parts of the business are you most excited about? What type of lifestyle will this business allow you to have? What type of balance will you have between work and life? What does your ideal day look like? What legacy are you leaving through your work? What will people find when they Google your name?


Where will your office be? Where will clients feel most comfortable having conversations? Where will you be networking or attending events? Where will your prospects see your advertising?  Where will prospects find you on social media?


When do you feel most productive? When are the realistic timelines for you to accomplish your business goals? When will the growth stage of your business peak? When would it be a good time to consider adding resources? When will it be time to take a break and recharge? When will this business feel rewarding for you?


How will you brand yourself? How will you convert prospects to clients? How will people connect with you? How will clients see value in what you offer? How will your products solve your clients’ needs? How will you accommodate the growth in your client base?

Try to answer as many of the questions as you can, and go back and add or change answers as you reflect on this bigger picture of your business. Consider how your vision for the business aligns with your goals and whether or not it inspires and motivates you.

Once you have your clear vision written down, start to map out each core question. The next step is to integrate this vision into your marketing plan and set goals and strategies for growing the business.

The more you are connected to your vision, the more likely you will keep progressing towards it. See if your vision becomes clearer for your business when you have discussions with clients about your value proposition and what it is you offer. As your business grows and unfolds in unexpected ways, revisit the visioning process and see what pieces of your maps need updating and what opportunities are now available to you.

About Rosemary Smyth and Aaron Hoos

Rosemary Smyth and Aaron Hoos

Rosemary Smyth, MBA, CIM, FCSI, ACC, is an author, columnist and an international business coach for financial advisors. She spent her career working at leading investment firms before pursuing her passion for coaching. She lives in Victoria, BC. Visit her website at You can email Rosemary at:

Aaron Hoos, MBA, has worked in the financial industry since 1997. Formerly a stockbroker, insurance broker, and award-winning sales manager, today he writes for the financial and real estate industry as an educator and marketer. He is working on his second book. Visit his website at and follow him on Twitter @AaronHoos.

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