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The Lifeline Program - company profile

For Over 20 Years, Lifeline has been The Industry-Changing Solution.

At Lifeline, you already know our promise. We’re the life-changing solution. For over two decades, We’ve also been at the very forefront of leadership in the life-settlement business.

Because, ever since 1989 when we began finding needed cash through life-settlements for those with catastrophic illnesses burdened by huge medical expenses, we have always kept one eye on the present but the other eye on the future.

Even back in the 1990s during the flush years of the tech boom, we saw through our research and sophisticated metrics that a generation of Baby-boomers and seniors living much longer lives – into their 80s and even 90s and sometimes beyond – were going to run out of their retirement savings.

So we sought out and found deep wells of private capitalization to finance a growing market in need of life-settlements.

We established relationships with agents and brokers that were and continue to be the envy of the industry.

Through advertising and marketing, we found new ways to reach potential customers through high-profile campaigns that included our alliance with Betty White as our spokesperson, who we recognized as an iconic superstar, and one to whom our customers could relate. We saw this years before her sudden “resurgence” – but we knew how special she was all along.

While our competitors were stuck in 20th century media, we were getting our message out via the web big time – through our web site and frequent e blasts, with an ongoing Facebook presence that both informs and entertains the rapidly increasing numbers of Baby-boomers and seniors who’ve embraced the web.

We’ve produced exciting videos like Betty’s “I’m Still Hot” production, which just won a Silver Telly as well as the “Communicator’s Award Of Excellence” for best viral video. And we’re trailblazing by finding more and more unique and creative ways of reaching our target every day.

Even in these challenging economic times, our balance sheet has never been stronger. Our relationships with our partnering agents and brokers have never been better. And our vision of the future, with unprecedented growth anticipated, never more exciting.

It’s why we’re proud to be seen as the innovators of our industry.

And why we’ve proven to be nothing less than the industry-changing solution.

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