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Tag Archives: referrals

The Hazards of Indifferent Client Service


I fired my insurance agent recently.  This agent did nothing inherently bad and his office clerk was always friendly if I called.  He just never did anything other than write my insurance policies and send me annual premium notices.  He never called to thank me for my business, opting instead for a form letter only at renewal time.  And, this …

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Six Powerful Prospecting Tips to Build Your Business


Why is it that some sales reps consistently earn a six-figure annual income while other reps, putting in the same hours, selling the same products, and trained by the same sales manager struggle each month financially to make ends meet? The answer to this question is painfully simple: The six-figure sales reps understand the importance of business development and never …

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The Delicate Art of Approaching Friends for Business and Referrals


So how do you approach friends and others about the work you do with the goal of getting referrals? One of the major challenges is that they haven’t directly experienced the value of your work. So basically, you are not yet “referable” in their eyes. How do you become referable with them? Obviously, it would be great if they became …

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